Good morning all & happy Friday!
Grace and I were talking about our CCR's. For mine, I had an idea that I think would fit the project perfectly. This idea is for part one of the CCR, since I need two parts to it. There are four CCR questions, so I can do two on the interview, and 2 on a powerpoint and/or presentation. (I like using canva better :))
I love watching "Answering Google's most asked questions" on YouTube. When my favorite actors or celebrities show up on my page with these video I immediately watch it! The video below is an example with Nina Dobrev. click here!
The interviews show a quick explanation in the beginning of the video, introducing the person and then showing a search bar at the bottom. I can edit the video to have a search bar at the bottom like this!
The person is then given a board with Google's most asked questions about them. Instead of having questions like these, I can have the questions that I'm supposed to answer for my CCR.
After they peel off the tape from the board, they are revealed with a question that they have to answer. I can buy a board from Walmart, and decorate it the way that they did in the interview.
Here is another example with Dua Lipa . For this video, after filming the actual opening, we can use the same white backdrop that we used for the opening. I just need good lighting for it to look as bright as it does in the video, but I'll figure it out when the time comes.
I also don't have to include only the questions from the CCR, I can include some other questions that can be funny and that relate to the opening itself.
The second part of my CCR is going to be a simple presentation. I will answer the other two questions that I didn't answer in the video.
More posts to come soon!
- Isa
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